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Find Your Freedom

The Best Entrepreneurship Podcast – Uniting
aspiring and early stage entrepreneurs with
Inspiring Entrepreneurs
Being an Entrepreneur is hard, we struggled too!  
Find Your Freedom is the go-to resource for aspiring entrepreneurs seeking information,  inspiration and guidance from the world’s most successful, relatable, and interesting entrepreneurs. 
Get out of your rut (that’s why you’re here, right?) and break through to the next level.

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Why did we start Find Your Freedom?

“I struggled for years as a solopreneur before I started to figure it out…”

Jonathan Steers

I struggled for years in the corporate world working ridiculously long hours feeling unfulfilled.  Then, I struggled for years as a solopreneur before I slowly figured it out.  Being an entrepreneur is hard!  We created Find Your Freedom to make your journey to freedom more painless than ours by providing advice, tips and inspiration from the brightest minds in business!

Doug Diakite

I spent over 5 years in the corporate rat race before I made the difficult decision to go out on my own in hopes of becoming an entrepreneur. It was scary, it was challenging, and it was exhilarating. But it was the best decision I ever made!
“I spent 5 years in the corporate rat race…”
Find Your Freedom

The Best
Entrepreneurship Podcast

Ignite your entrepreneurial fire and unleash your full potential as Find Your Freedom shares compelling stories, actionable insights, and invaluable lessons from entrepreneurs who turned setbacks into comebacks.

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FYF Guide to Entrepreneurship Success

You will receive critical insights from our guests directly to your inbox, a comprehensive Entrepreneurship eBook (FREE of charge), and access to exclusive bonus material...